Business & Commercial Property
- Restaurants and Cafes
- Leasing Property
- Stamp Duty & LBTT
- the Lyon Court
- Advice On Farms, Land & Estates
- Buying With Your Pension
- Types Of Business Structure
Call 0131 225 6226 to discover how we can help.
Advice On Farms, Land & Estates
Whether you are buying or selling property in Scotland, we have the experience to guide you through the complexities of land law which apply to all sizes and types of rural property, including:
Hotels, shops, Restaurants, Cafes, Estates, Farms, Country houses, Cottages and crofts, Farm steadings, Amenity land, Woodlands, Development land, Reservoirs, Minerals and quarries
We can advise you on offers and missives, the title and rights of way, rights of access or servitudes and other conditions which may affect the ownership of the property. Other aspects to be considered include land reform, environmental, planning, ownership of mineral rights, private water and drainage rights, shooting and fishing rights, agricultural or residential leases, subsidies and grant schemes and employment issues.

Leasing Commercial Property
We have years of experience in helping clients lease and sell commercial properties in Scotland, and can offer sound business legal advice where required.